Four Tips for Those Who Live in a Big City

Megacities often dictate a crazy lifestyle with Best Single aries women from Ukraine for dating, so people go insane, trying to keep up with the tempo. We often suffer from mental breakdowns in mile-long lines; have anxiety attacks in public transport and its capacitive crowds. These minimalistic, but effective tips will help you get away from the usual routine and bring you calmness and serenity within a big city life.

• Donate to charity

It doesn’t need that you have to donate a crazy amount of money to unknown charities and organizations to feel better. It is easier. In fact, it is much easier. If you have an extra piece of clothing that is out of the collection or just too big or too small, don’t throw it away or keep in your house for decades. First of all, your apartment risks becoming a dumpster. Second of all, you can give this thing to a person who needs it. It is so crucial helping other people. If you notice a couple of extra pants you’ll never wear again, bring it to a charity. If you have no time to fetch it somewhere, just leave a message on social media that you are giving things away for free. Add photos of clothing. There will be definitely people who need it and will reply to your ads. Nice things let you free from piling up, both physically and emotionally.

• Take a break during weekends

Even if your work is super interesting and fascinating, your body and mind need good rest. Remember a rule of switching off your work phone (if your job presupposes no emergencies), don’t check your emails and definitely stop working from home on Saturdays and Sundays. Even when you take a smallest amount of work home, you still turn it to an office. This behavior will lead you to emotional burning, stress and health problems. So try to have a rest and chill during weekends, and your work problems will wait till Monday.

• Buy plants

Not the kind of plants you would buy to relax. You know, the usual pretty ones, like cacti or chamomiles. A modern citizen gets further and further away from nature, especially if we are talking about a megacity citizen. That’s why the easiest way you can unite with nature is buy a little florarium. Plants are popular not because of purely aesthetical reasons, but because they help to create a comfortable atmosphere in our apartment. It’s an evolution thing. Besides, plants enrich the air with oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and help maintain an optimal level of humidity.

• Find a job closer to your house

A route to work is honestly the hardest part of the day. Sometimes we spend from one hour to three, commuting to our jobs. You would think that a couple of hours are reasonable to sacrifice when the job is good and you are about to get a promotion. But it’s not as easy as it seems. A long trip to work is always stressful; you risk getting sleep deprivation, being late or lacking energy after the working day. And instead of seeing dreams, you get up at five am, rushing outside without a proper breakfast. You should not sacrifice elementary things, such as sleep and food, because it will greatly affect your well-being and performance.

So, we’ve talked about the easiest, yet most crucial things that affect our lifestyle. You should unite with nature, eat healthy, sleep well and chill more. Also, helping people and cleaning your karma would always work. Be healthy and prosper!

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